As part of International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27, 10th graders at the Clyde- Savannah Senior High School were able to speak with descendants of Holocaust Survivors via Zoom.

This came as part of a class collaboration between teacher Mike Burke’s Global students (who are currently learning about World War II) and fellow teacher Brian Poerio’s English students (who are currently reading The Diary of Anne Frank).

There were three different speakers who Zoomed in to speak with the students. Raquel Binder (granddaughter of a survivor), Daniel Riff (grandson of a survivor), and Jason Rosenbulm (grandson of a survivor). The three speakers showed a variety of photos from their grandparents and provided other materials that helped bring the experience to life for students.

“It was really impactful. It’s interesting to see it is something that is still affecting people. There is a disconnect when just reading about it so seeing people who have the first-hand experience gives it a new perspective,” said sophomore student AJ Sanford.

Mr. Burke helped organize the experience by reaching out to 3GNY, an educational organization founded by grandchild of survivors. This is the second year he has done this and he plans to make it a yearly tradition for his students.

“Just trying to make history more than something we read about. Giving them a personal connection to the stories and the content they learn about,” said Burke.